Abhyanga A synchronized full body massage performed by two therapists using specific herbal oils prescribed according to the body type. Improves eyesight, promotes sleep and gives a glow to the skin.
Udwarthana This is dry massage using herbal powders to stimulate hair follicles and tissue in order to break down the subcutaneous, stored fat. Slimming of the body is the significant effect.
Choorna pinda swedam This is also vigorous massage, with a cloth bundle containing herbal powders. Induces profuse perspiration leading to relief of neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis and sports injuries.
Navarakizhi Massage with small linen bags filled with cooked Navara rice. This procedure is highly rejuvenating, nourishing and prepares the body for the stress and strain of a busy lifestyle.
Pizhichil A combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments: Snehana (oliation) and Swedana (sudation). Pizhichil is considered to be the most natural way to purify different body systems, to protect from illnesses and build up immunity for a healthy life.
Sirodhara Lukewarm herbal oil / decoction / butter milk / cow’s milk is poured in a continuous stream on the forehead, while a gentle massage is simultaneously given, also on the forehead, for rejuvenating and revitalizing the body and mind. It relieves stress and strain related problems, slows the aging process, improves memory, insomnia, depression, other stress related problems is known to have a curative effect on paralysis and other neurological malfunctions.
Nethra Tarpana Using medicated ghee, is smeared on the eyes. This has a cooling effect on irritated and stressed eyes.
Nathra Parishake Using purified fresh king coconut water. It’s very good treatment for irritated and tired eyes to refresh.
Gandusa Treatment has to retention of medicated oil / decoction in the mouth for several minutes. Lends radiance to the face, improves lines and wrinkles, tones the skin and assists with any kind of mouth, voice or teeth/gum disorders while cleansing the ear, nose and throat pathways.
Kavalagraha Holding in the mouth and gargling with medicated oil/decoction. Is highly beneficial for ear, nose, and throat disorders; improves the voice and brings a glow to the face.