Mindfulness And Meditation There is more to yoga than the physical practice of asana. In fact, the word yoga can be interpreted as “yoke” meaning to join together. One part of yoga is working to join the mind with the body in the present moment. The yogis often refer to this practice as being mindful.
Mindfulness is a type of meditation that essentially involves focusing your mind on the present. To be mindful is to be aware of your thoughts and actions in the moment, without judging or needing to change anything. In mindfulness meditation, you bring the mind to a state that is stable and calm. What you will begin to discover is that this calmness or harmony is a natural aspect of the mind. Through a mindfulness practice, you eventually remain peaceful within all moments with your mind naturally content.
Meta Meditation – Loving-kindness ~ Buddha
May I be well May I be happy and content May I be free from danger and suffering May I be filled with loving-kindness
May you be well May you be happy and content May you be free from danger and suffering May you be filled with loving-kindness
May all beings be well May all beings be happy and content May all beings be free from danger and suffering May all beings be filled with loving-kindness