Remember growing up hearing things like eating carrots is good for your eyes or drinking milk makes strong bones? Even today we hear a lot about antioxidant foods and healthy fats. But did you know that certain foods can help fuel your chakras?
When it comes to these seven energy centers, most of us don’t realize that our food choices can impact them. A balanced diet can make for balanced chakras. From the root to the crown, here are some of the best chakra foods.
1. Root Chakra What better way to energize your root center than by eating root vegetables? Beets, carrots, garlic, onions, potatoes and radishes are just some options. Protein rich foods like eggs and lean meats will also help keep your grounding center running well.
Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, garlic, etc.
Hot Spices: horseradish, paprika, cayenne, pepper, and other spices
2. Sacral Chakra Fruits, nuts and honey will stimulate this center and keep it healthy. Fruits with seeds are particularly helpful. Mangos, melons, oranges and strawberries are some great choices. Think luscious, ripe and juicy! Pay attention to food textures and sensual foods… creativity with your cooking… warm foods, nurturing foods, soups, casseroles, tea
Warming Spices: cinnamon and vanilla in particular! Sweet mints as well such as spearmint
3. Solar Plexus Keep this area strong by eating grains and dairy. Whole grain breads and cereals, granola, flax and rice are some good choices. Be mindful if you have gluten intolerance or wheat sensitivities. If so, choose gluten free options like buckwheat or quinoa. Cheeses, kefir, milk, and yogurt are wonderful dairy options.
4. Heart Chakra If you want an energetic heart chakra, remember to eat your greens. Practically any green vegetable will boost this area, but some favorites are broccoli, kale, kelp, lettuces, spinach and sprouts. Green teas are another awesome choice. If you like smoothies, opt for a green one to really boost your chakra vibrations.
5. Throat Chakra The throat chakra loves to be bathed by liquids so make sure you have an adequate intake of fluids every day. Stick to healthier drinks like pure water, herbal teas and natural fruit juices. Clear fluids work well to enhance clear, truthful communication from this chakra.
Fruits also work well to energize this chakra, especially ones that grow on trees: apples, apricots, peaches, pears and plums. Lemons and limes are excellent for clearing out stuck energy in this chakra. Add some lemon or lime juice to your water to get that energy moving.
Light drinks: water, fruit juices, herbal teas, spritzers
6. Third Eye Chakra Represented by the color indigo, eating bluish or purple foods will help this center gain clarity and focus. Among the most popular choices are: blackberries, black currants, blueberries, red or purple grapes, prunes and raisins.
7. Crown Chakra The crown chakra is your connection with the Divine or your Higher Self. Keeping this pathway clean and clear is essential. Violet in color, purple foods can assist, just as with the third eye chakra. Yet the vibrations of this chakra often prefer no food at all.
To maintain and energize your crown chakra, consider doing a detox or fast. Giving your body a slight break from food can help it rest and regenerate. Just eating light meals for a day or sipping on broths can help. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables for a fast is another option. Add plenty of water to your routine and you will energize you crown in no time!
Air: fasting and detoxing support this chakra more than food does